1. Let’s imagine three researchers from different fields named Robert Roberts, James Jameson, and Charles Charleston write an interdisciplinary research paper together. The paper is read by many people, but we focus on three in particular: Ava, Anna, and Jana. They all enjoy the paper and are interested in collaborating with the person who had the idea for it. The order of authors given at the start of the paper is Charles, James, Robert.

Question 1:

What are the author’s probable contributions to the paper?

2. Ava works in the medical faculty and assumes that Robert had the idea because he is the last author and thus senior. Anna works in philosophy and assumes that Charles did the most work and it was probably his idea too because in philosophy authors tend to be listed in diminishing order of contribution. Finally, Jane is a biologist who always uses the principle that authors are listed alphabetically. She, therefore, assumes that the same has happened here and emails Charles (who happens to be the corresponding author) to ask who did what.

Question 2:

Who do you think is correct?

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 March 2019, 2:06 PM