• How to Complete the Online Course?

    • Rytmitä sisältöä väliotsikoilla

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    • Learning Outcomes

      At the completion of this course, a Doctoral candidate is able to to 

        1. recognize and analyze key research ethical questions 
        2.  formulate ethical research plans and responses to ethical challenges by applying key ethical theories and approaches. 
        3. recognise and understand key ethical principles guiding research and how they apply to research work.
        4. understand the Finnish Responsible Conduct of Research guidelines, processes for dealing with research misconduct.
        5. recognise when research license or ethical review are required and understand how they are applied.
        6. identify rights and responsibilities as a researcher.
        7. understand how ethical decisions and choices influence society and the research community.

      The online course is conducted in its entirety online on these Moodle pages (sections A-D) and by completing the  assignments  marked under these images:

      Please note that as an open learning course where each student can individually examine the course at their own leisure, not all assessments indicated above figure are included. Assessments 1-4 require interaction between students and a teacher, and so are excluded from this course. However, assessment 5 (quizzes) are included as well as case studies and reflective activities.