• B4. Planning to Work with Others

    • Planning to work with others

      Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity
      Responsible Conduct of Research


      When launching scientific activities, have collaborative partners agree on objectives, rights and obligations. It is necessary to separately agree on compliance with responsible conduct of research, the related applicable guidelines and the handling of possible allegations of violation. Ensure that for example projects that have received EU funding comply with current European research integrity guidelines

      Activities that violate RCR

      Disregard related to implementation:

      • Causing inappropriate delays or difficulties in the work of other researchers

      Disregard related to demonstrating the relevance of scientific work or one’s own scholarly achievements:

      • Misleading the research community, funding organisations or the general public related to one’s own research

      Disregard related to benefiting from scholarly status:

      • Inappropriate use of influence


      It is very rare for research to be done in isolation. Research is fundamentally a shared activity. We work together with the people in our own research group, we work with others studying in the same field, and we work together with those who make use of our research results. 

      In this section the focus will be on planning and preparing for different ways we work together with others. Planning for collaboration and having ongoing plans to manage collaborations reduces the risk of ethical problems appearing and will enhance the quality of research output. 

      Lecture - Working with Others



      B4. Quiz - Planning to work with others

      B4.1. Case Study - Bill and Sara

      B4.2. Case Study - Two kinds of research environments

      B4.3. Case Study - New collaborators
